Thursday, April 8, 2010

It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Pregnant – An Introduction to Single Ladies

Preface...We are not trying to hurt anyone's feelings with this blog, so please do not take anything we say too seriously.

Allow us to introduce ourselves and explain a little about our blog. Erin and Brittany make up the dynamic duo, Single Ladies. Here we celebrate the joys and jollies of NOT being pregnant. Single refers to a single being, no babies on board here!

After hours upon hours of listening to our friends discuss their pregnancies and what fruit their unborn child was each week, we decided it was time to a.) scream b.) realize just how lucky we are to not be pregnant c.) create an outlet of celebration for those of us that are not with child and couldn’t be happier d.) all of the above! Obviously we did all of the above and created Single Ladies – Without Child. Why should our pregnant friends have all the fun? They have blogs about their unborn bundles and conversations that seem endless about the kicks, cramps, and gas that goes along with said “bundles of joy.” This is our chance to share our trials and tribulations each week and step out of the baby realm of reality.

Don’t get us wrong, we are thrilled for our friends and very excited to become a part of their children’s lives, however we could only take so much and hear about fetal development so many times before we wanted to throw-up (and we don’t mean from morning sickness)! If you are a Single Lady, or just wish you were, join us as we share our own stories of life, love, cravings, cramps, and chocolate as Single Ladies – women who are not pregnant and proud of it.